Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paying it Forward

I have a confession. And a request. What seems like a long, long time ago, I jumped aboard this thing called "Pay it Forward." Now let me assure you, at the time I had every intention of making something cool for Whitney when she commented on that post, but then {insert excuses}, and I'm sure the year in which I was supposed to complete the project came and went.

Luckily, she has given me a second opportunity to help her out. You see, she's a grad student {I remember that all too painfully well} and she is collecting data for her thesis. And guess what her thesis is on....blogging!

If there's anything I like more than blogging it might be talking about blogging.

If you would like to help her, you can visit here. And please do it. Send in your questionnaires. Remember, I'm trying to redeem myself. I know I'm no cjane, but 12 more responses is 12 more, right? {Even if I am one of them.}

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