Saturday, February 13, 2010

Printed Canvas

Almost a year ago, Kristen Duke photographed us. Practically ever since, I've been telling Henry I want to have one of the photos printed on canvas to display in our home. Kelly of Kelly's Korner recently had a photo of her darling daughter printed on canvas (for cheap), and that spurred me to get a move on it. So, I need your help. If you were me, which one would you have printed? I'm thinking this would probably go in our living room over our TV. That wall is looking too bare to me right now.

Here are the options. I'd make a poll, but I seriously don't expect that many people to respond. Keep in mind that 1) it has to look good with the colors already in our living room, and 2) it's going to be a large print to fill the space above the TV.
 Normally our coffee table would be parallel to the couch, but I was doing Wii Fit yesterday. =) Also, the plants are only inside when it's really cold out.

Option 1: Waterfall

Option 2: Hook 'Em sepia or color

Option 3: Cuddly bw or color

Thanks for your help!